Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Vegetarian Thanksgiving

I am one of four vegetarians (all ranging in degrees of commitment and strictness) who will be at my family's Thanksgiving celebration this year. I want to bring a vegetarian main-dish that can also be a side for the meat eaters. I've looked at a few websites but haven't found anything too fantastic. Any suggestions?


Sarah said...

What about Summer Squash Casserole. I'm actually making it for dinner tonight and it is yummy!

Amy said...

I don't really have any suggestions because I love the side dishes that come with Thanksgiving. I usually just make lots of those and just go without too much protein.

You may want to bring a vegetarian dressing if you want something that you know won't have meat/stock hidden in it!

arstreeter said...

Marinated baked/grilled tofu. Yum yum. My recipe is more Asian, though.. not very Thanksgivingy.

Kelsey said...

Thanks for the ideas girls. A, I might not make yours for Thanksgiving, but I would LOVE the recipe anyway. I've been looking for a way to get tofu with good flavor.