Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Garage Sale

Are you planning on having a garage sale this spring? Or, do you have some items you'd like to sell at someone else's garage sale without the hassle of having your own?

Dexter and I have a lot of things we want to get rid of that don't quite seem like Craigslist material, so we were thinking about having a garage sale. I don't know that we have quite enough merchandise to make this worthwhile, though. So, if you're interested in making this a project with me, let me know!


arstreeter said...

I might be interested. Were you wanting to make some extra money, or just generally get rid of stuff?

I had an idea to have a garage sale where everything is basically free and people could pay for their items by dropping whatever amount they wanted into a bucket for a local charity (or two or three, so they can pick their favorite).

I think it would be effective in getting rid of most of the stuff, and maybe help out some people that can't afford much. On the other hand, if you were hoping to throw the proceeds at your student loans, it probably wouldn't be too effective. :)

Kelsey said...

We mostly want to get rid of some stuff--some of it I'd just throw away except that I feel bad wasting it. However, there are some things that I'd rather sell for actual money to drop in the student loan bucket.

We could compromise and have a free/donation table and things we're actually wanting to make money with.

Whatever I don't sell, I'd probably take to Sal Army/Goodwill.